Well, I have been wanting to create a video for my blog for a very long time now, and I can no longer keep putting it off. Seems where videos for my blog were concerned I became the Princess of Procrastination. BUT NO MORE! Not only have I figured out how to make a video, but I have also figured out how to post it on my blog. This is by no means a professional-quality video, but I am fairly pleased with how it turned out. I do plan to do more videos to share with you here, and I hope that as I create more videos I will become better at it, and they will become a little less painful to watch. I hope you enjoy this quick video and will venture back to the Rubber Room again to see how much progress I make in the video arena!

Yay, Chris! You did awesome!
Beautiful card, too ;o)
Great video. Can't believe it's your first one! You're a pro!
very professional...even Happy Howard said you did a great job...
Great job Chris. Loved it. Looking for lots more.
See you soon.
Yeah, keep em coming. loved it...may have to ask for your autograph
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