Now is the time to book your SU! party for June and enjoy these extra benefits.
Want to mull it over before you pick your party date? Well, keep these things in mind while you're mulling:
Host a qualifying workshop ($350 minimum sales before shipping and tax) and receive $35 in EXTRA Stampin' Rewards. For instance, with a minimum qualifying order of $350, you will receive $77 in Stampin' Rewards. Stampin' Rewards are Dollars you can use to purchase anything in the catalog. That means, you get to pick out $77 of superior Stampin' Up! products, and it won't cost you a penny.
Want more EXTRA Stampin' Rewards? Just host more than one qualifying workshop and enjoy the EXTRA $35 for all of your qualifying workshops.
Your shopping list is HUGE (that will happen when you lay eyes on this terrific catalog)? Hostess Rewards can be put towards the purchase of a Starter Kit. This makes the Starter Kit even more awesome! Let's say you hosted a party and had $475 in sales (before shipping and tax), that means you would have $101.50 in Stampin' Rewards. That is plenty of Stampin' Rewards to put towards the Starter Kit ($99). Now you get to pick $125 in merchandise and it won't cost your anything (not even postage).
There are so many wonderful things packed inside the new 2016-2017 Annual Catalog that hosting a party in June is a wonderful opportunity to share those items with your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors~~heck, even total strangers will love what's inside this catalog! Receiving an EXTRA $35 in Stamping Rewards is like the chocolate frosting on your creative cup cake because your new catalog shopping list is sure to be a long one.
Contact me today and let's get your workshop booked!
Call or text me: 248-909-8016

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