All the rumors are true. Stampin' Up! is discontinuing our remarkable Trimmer and the Big Shot, along with the accessories for each of these tools. This was announced yesterday and already the Big Shot Standard Cutting Plates are on low inventory and the Trimmer Scoring Blades, as well as the Mats are sold out. You really do need to order before these items totally disappear forever from our product line.
To help you deal with the loss of these amazing items, I am offering them to you for FREE! When you place an order from my website or with me for any of these discontinuing items that totals $50 or more, and use the hostess code: RP2UDVQT, I will put your name into a drawing for a brand new Trimmer; place a minimum $100 order with me, or on my website, using hostess code RP2UDVQT, and I will enter your name into a drawing for a brand new Big Shot!
PLUS when you order using this hostess code, I will email you a tutorial packet filled with thirteen awesome card/project tutorials. This packet is filled with designs from the Talented Tutorial Team and I'm sure you will love it!
You must place your order before noon on April 15th. I will draw a winner for both of these items during my 7:00 p.m. FB LIve Create with Chris, which you can watch at: Rubber Room Ramblings, Stampin' Up! with Chris Kolly.
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