THESE KITS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR SALE! The calendar is a cookie sheet and all the "goodies" are held on with magnets. You can change each month and the dates and decorations~~it is lots of fun! I have put several kits together so that you can make your own Perpetual Calendar. Each kit is $25 (if you want a kit mailed to you, please contact me for a price that includes the cost of mailing). The kit contains all the pieces for all 12 months, 31 day numbers, 7 days of the week, 12 decorations (for use at the top of the calendar, next to the month), 8 day decorations (party hat, wedding cake, baby rattle, etc...~~to be put on special dates to remember each month--and you will even receive circles punched to add behind your 31 day numbers and 8 day decorations to make them sturdier than just a single card stock punch), a 12x12 sheet of Print Pattern Designer Series Paper, cardstock to mat your months and days of the week, Photo Corner punches (for the top two corners of the calendar), magnets and a cookie sheet. All pieces are pre-stamped, cut and punched. All you have to do is adhere the pieces together and put them on your cookie sheet. I will also include in your kit a color photo of the calendar and a sheet indicating what type of adhesive I used when I made mine. How simple is that? Everything is packaged so you will easily be able to put your calendar together correctly. If you need a kit, please use the email me link on the left side of this blog at the top and order one today!
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